Currency exchange rates and money transfers: XE Currency
Communicate anywhere in the world: Google Translate
Find the nearest hotels, hospitals and more: AroundMe
Discover truly local restaurants: LocalEats
Public transportation networks in more than 110 countries: Moovit
The portable encyclopedia: Wikipedia
The best luggage checklist by destination: Packing Pro
Currency exchange rates and money transfers: XE Currency

The XE Currency travel app allows you to easily transfer funds and check current exchange rates while travelling. Just select the currencies and convert them. You can also view daily, weekly, monthly, and even 10-year graphs of the exchange rate in the app. XE Currency and other currency apps can help you stay within your budget while traveling.
Cost: Free
Alternative travel apps: Currency Today, Currency
Communicate anywhere in the world: Google Translate

English is the world’s second most spoken language – and is used widely throughout Europe and other countries, which can make traveling considerably less stressful for English speakers. While Chinese is the world’s most spoken language, it is not as widespread – the number of speakers is due to China’s population, which is 1.4 billion. Nevertheless, wherever you are, Google Translate may come in handy. The service has raised its game in recent years, with translations becoming more accurate. It’s not strictly a ‘travel app’ but Google Translate could be a lifesaver when you need to communicate in a different language.
Cost: Free
Find the nearest hotels, hospitals and more : AroundMe

AroundMe is a practical and streamlined application that you can even use in your own city. When you launch the app, a list of establishments in your area come up, including ATMs, cafés, hospitals, gas stations, and hotels, to name a few. When you click on the “Pharmacy” link, for instance, all the pharmacies in your area are sorted by distance. AroundMe is without a doubt one of the most useful travel apps we’ve encountered.
Cost: Free
Discover independently owned restaurants : LocalEats

When you visit a new city, you can expect to come across the most famous restaurants in that location – which are often crowded with other tourists. Meanwhile, the city’s gems are less obvious. LocalEats is specifically designed to point out independently owned restaurants, rather than national or international chains, so you can truly dine like a local. Just select your region or search by country or city. The app also provides average prices, reviews and other information about the establishments.
Cost: Free
Public transportation networks in more than 110 countries: Moovit

Cities with extensive metro networks make it possible to reach most points via public transportation. However, even the newest metro networks can be confusing for visitors to navigate. Fortunately, there’s an app for that: Moovit. Featuring detailed information on both underground and above-ground public transportation networks, Moovit can be actively used in 112 countries. Make your visit easier with access to convenient public transportation routes!
Cost: Free
The portable encyclopedia: Wikipedia

Wikipedia, a nonprofit online resource supported by volunteers and donations, is used by many of us on a regular basis. Wikipedia offers information on almost every topic imaginable – the app also has more than 470,000 articles in Turkish articles. In addition to providing information on a place you’re visiting, the site features literally millions of other tidbits.
Cost: Free
The best luggage checklist by destination: Packing Pro

Calling itself a “travel packing list assistant”, Packing Pro is a more of a pre-travel app, generating a list of items to pack depending on your destination and the length of your trip. The app generates separate lists for your family members or traveling companions. In addition, it offers suggestions for multi-destination trips. Packing Pro is, without a doubt, one of our favorite travel applications!
Cost: Around 40 Turkish lira
Alternative travel apps: Packr, Packing List Checklist