    HomeTK storiesZiya Ufuk Şaşmaz speaks with us: How to become a pilot? What...

    Ziya Ufuk Şaşmaz speaks with us: How to become a pilot? What are the requirements for becoming a pilot?

    In the media and in real life, pilots possess a commanding and reassuring aura. As a highly acclaimed and prominent career that is gaining popularity day by day, piloting inspires scores of questions, including how to become a pilot, as well as how pilotage rankings, base scores and compensation are calculated. Welcome to our interview with Ziya Ufuk Şaşmaz, Commander, who completed his training at the Turkish Airlines Flight Academy.

    Turkish Airlines Blog
    Turkish Airlines Blog
    With this account, managed by our writer team, we welcome all who love travel and exploration to enjoy these blog posts. And we gently remind our readers of the delight to be found in 'hitting the road'. As Tolstoy said: “All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town.”

    Can you tell us about yourself?

    Turkish Airlines airplane in the sky

    I was born in Ankara in 1990, and I’m married and have one daughter. I graduated from the METU Mechanical Engineering Department in 2012. After briefly working in the defense industry, I qualified for flight training at the Turkish Airlines Flight Academy in 2013. In 2015, I began flying as a First Officer on Airbus A330 aircraft. In 2021, I finished my Master’s degree in financial economics. And since June 2022, I’ve been operating as a Commander of Airbus A320 family aircrafts.

    Our first question is this: How does one become a pilot? Is there a specific academic path? 

    Pilots in the cockpit
    Ziya Ufuk Şaşmaz explains what it takes to become a pilot.

    In Türkiye, airline pilot training is provided in the flight training department of universities, at the Turkish Airlines Flight Academy or in private flight schools. Trainings can usually be completed between 18 and 24 months. Following the training, candidates can obtain an airline transport pilot license (ATPL Frozen), and then receive training according to aircraft type; this training takes between four and six months. After completing the aircraft type training, graduates are entitled to fly as a First Officer on a passenger aircraft.

    How long was your training at the Turkish Airlines Flight Academy?

    Turkish Airlines plane on the runway

    I started flying at Çorlu Airport and after Turkish Airlines Flight Academy moved to Aydın, the process started to accelerate, and many new aircraft started to arrive. My training here lasted about 18 months — In other words, I received an airline transport pilot license (ATPL Frozen) in about a year and a half. After six months of aircraft type rating training, I started flying as a First Officer. So it was about two years, which is the usual average time.

    So, starting from the application, how does the process work at the Turkish Airlines Flight Academy? 

    After you apply, there’s an assessment on whether you meet the criteria. If you don’t meet the English criteria, as far as I know, our company conducts an English exam. Then you are invited to take what was then the DLR (a German Aviation Institute) and is now a psychometric test. It’s necessary to study for at least two weeks and really take time for the DLR exam. Of course, for the math and physics exams, candidates who last studied basic sciences in high school may opt for a longer study period. But still, the questions on the DLR, according to the testing authorities, are manageable even for candidates who last encountered math and physics in high school can answer. The DLR says, “After this study period, a person reaches 95% of their capacity in terms of psychomotor and visual and auditory memory”. After the exam, an evaluation by experts in the field of aviation psychology and human resources takes place. Then there’s a human resources interview and, finally, a medical examination. At that point, the recruitment takes place.

    Does the duration of flight training vary according to the candidate?

    No matter how stellar the candidate’s performance is, there are parts of the process that cannot be accelerated. For example, you can’t fly under certain weather conditions, so the duration of flight training will often depend on factors other than the candidate’s competency. For this reason, 18 to 24 months is considered an ideal period, and most candidates graduate within this time interval.

    How would you rate the flight schools in Türkiye?

    The number of quality and well-established Flight Training Departments of universities and flight schools in Türkiye is actually very limited. One of them is, of course, the Turkish Airlines Flight Academy. Every year, we open Cadet Pilots applications for pilot candidates to train at the academy. I recommend that all candidates apply if they meet the criteria and want to become pilots. 

    Have you always wanted to be a pilot, and what were your goals?

    Pilot looking out the terminal window

    Being a pilot was my childhood dream. I made my first solo flight in a glider at the Turkish Aeronautical Association İnönü Aviation Training Center when I was 17. After that, I was sure that piloting was my dream job. Then I became interested in amateur aviation; after completing my training, I stepped into the profession.

    What did you find most challenging during your pilot training?

    Cockpit view in the sky

    Flight schools bring along a process that requires dedication. Of course, it takes a lot of hard work to complete a challenging education. However, I can say that all stages of the training are exciting, and you’re constantly learning something new about an interdisciplinary profession. Although especially challenging, the first solo flight and cross country flights where you plan your own route are extremely enjoyable.

    What was your first solo flight like? We’re also curious about the most interesting event in your pilot career so far.

    THY airplane wing above the clouds

    There were a lot of “Can I really do it?” feelings until I made my first solo flight. I think no pilot can ever forget their first solo flight and I’m no exception. You feel nervous, of course, but on the other hand, the instructor pilots have been observing you to that point and they’re the ones who determine whether or not you can fly alone. So, if you’re on a solo flight, the instructor pilots know that you’re capable. Of the most interesting events in my pilot career, I can count seeing the Northern Lights over the Atlantic Ocean and watching the glaciers in Greenland. Both were very impressive sights for me.

    Are simulated flights and real flights similar experiences?

    Civil aviation airplanes and flight simulators are very similar. Aside from that, of course, you experience the ground feeling, the three-dimensional depth feeling, much better in actual airplanes. However all the other procedures are almost the same. We do receive training in flight simulators in airline trainings, but for your first solo flight in flight school, you don’t train in a simulator; you sit next to your instructor in a real airplane and you learn from scratch. In the remaining stages of training in flight school, simulators are also used a lot.

    What are your thoughts on theoretical training? What kind of score limitations are there?

    Pilots prepare in the cockpit
    Şaşmaz talks about the theoretical training phase, which lasted about 6 months.

    The theoretical training phase lasts about six months and you take exams from 14 courses. It’s a challenging process, but you take the exams in packages such as three courses, four courses, etc. Therefore, instead of focusing on all 14 courses at once, you can focus on the courses for which you’ll be taking the exam. When you follow an effective and efficient study program, you can easily pass the exams. The exception might be candidates who lack sufficient knowledge of mathematics and physics; they may have some difficulty in courses such as aerodynamics and flight principles. Similarly, those with high quantitative knowledge may have difficulty in verbal courses such as air law. However, as far as I saw during my theoretical training, these examples were few and far between. Consequently, a six-month period to teach 14 courses is quite reasonable. The passing grade is 75 out of 100 full points. In emergency training (engine failure, stall, etc.), the passing score is 100 out of 100. You are expected to be 100% ready for emergencies that may happen to you in the air.

    How does the process work in other flight schools?

    The student pilot learns how to fly an airplane.

    This is how the process works in other schools in Türkiye as well, because there is a standard training program for airline transport pilots. However, there are two different training options. One is modular training and the other is integrated training. In modular training, you first get a private pilot license (PPL), then a commercial pilot license (CPL), then Multi Engine (multi-engine training) etc. Then you graduate with a CPL, Multi Engine license, and ATPL Frozen License. In integrated training, you can get an ATPL Frozen License directly without these intermediate pilot licenses, but you still need to pass 14 courses, fly solo, and complete Multi Engine flight training. In other words, in integrated training, only the total time you will fly can be shortened and your training is more simulator oriented.

    Are flight schools boarding schools?

    They weren’t during my training period but, when you reached the flight stage, it was important to be close to the airport you were flying from. However, because you had intensive flight training, both Turkish Airlines Flight Academy and other schools generally provided accommodation close to the airport.

    How did it feel to be together with other pilot candidates during the training period?

    Pilots in the cockpit

    In my time at the academy, three students were assigned to one teacher. You form a very close friendship with the other two students who are assigned to the same teacher and, since your group is learning a completely different profession from the ground up, you also help each other. Then, of course, you always support the other pilot candidates in the flight school with changes such as switching to a different instructor or flying alone. In general, the experiences you have together during that period can forge lifelong friendships.

    Pilots’ announcements are always interesting. Is there a special protocol for these announcements?  Are the announcements standardized?

    Pilot uses microphone in cockpit

    In fact, there’s no protocol and we don’t do any extra work on the announcements. It is possible that the announcements may sound different on various aircraft due to that particular aircraft’s system but, aside from that, announcements are expected to adhere to certain company procedures and announcement guidelines, and other practices are discouraged. But something like this also happened to me: On October 29, 2023, I was in the air and SOLOTÜRK and Turkish Stars were performing a special show for the 100th anniversary of the Republic over the Bosphorus. It was quite a historic moment, and so I made an announcement so that passengers could witness it.

    What physical changes do pilots experience due to flying? How do you take care of your health?

    Airline pilots do not exert any physical effort, but of course there are physical changes such as a low humidity environment and pressure changes. These also apply to passengers. As pilots, we have annual health checks, so we can learn which aspects of our health need our attention, and create a diet and lifestyle accordingly. I also like to run in my free time.

    Do you prefer long flights or short flights? In your opinion, what are the differences between the two?

    Turkish Airlines airplane wing above the clouds

    I mean, I prefer long flights, but short flights have their own thrills. For example, short flights, which require a different type of approach and more piloting skills, are also professionally satisfying. So, what I’d say is that flights that require more intensive piloting skills are a better experience for me, whether they’re short or long flights.

    How are the duties of the  Commander and the First Officer distributed on flights?

    Airplane cockpit and pilots

    We actually decide on the distribution of tasks on flights during the briefing phase. One of us is PF (pilot flying) and the other pilot is PM (pilot monitoring). From the moment we board the plane, there are tasks that must be performed by the Commander and the First Officer. All these are set out in written rules. For example, if I am the PF on the flight to Ankara, I have to perform PF duties such as being the active pilot during the aircraft’s landing and take-off, entering the required parameters into the autopilot during level flight, etc. The PM, on the other hand, is tasked with having conversations with the air traffic units throughout the flight, controlling all inputs that affect the flight performed by the PF, etc. When a decision needs to be taken outside of these routines, that responsibility lies with the Commander. For example, the decision that the aircraft cannot land at the planned airport for any reason and must land at another airport (divert) belongs to the Commandert. In addition, we are trained to listen to the suggestions of the First Officer and cabin crew in a CRM (Crew Resource Management) environment and make the most informed decision. As pilots, we always support each other, especially in bad weather and when the operation is stuck.

    Let’s move on to another topic, one that is perhaps an urban legend: Can you tell us about the autopilot? We can also discuss the misconceptions surrounding the autopilot system.

    Airplane landing at sunrise

    First of all, in a normal flight operation, landing and take-off are always in the hands of the pilots. Airplanes can of course land automatically, but not on every runway. Therefore, the autopilot system also has certain limits such as crosswinds. Otherwise, the autopilot flies with our inputs throughout the entire flight. In other words, there is a flight computer in front of us and you, as the pilot, have to constantly enter an input. For example, you are constantly revising your route. The autopilot system is also used accordingly.

    What are the most challenging factors in your career?

    Pilot epaulette

    Weather conditions, especially in winter months, can be challenging. Landings and take-offs in these conditions require maximum attention. In addition, since our jobs require strict punctuality, it is necessary to plan every moment one step ahead of the aircraft — we’re conducting a highly intense operation and we have to carry it out on time and at the highest standard of safety. At this pace, it’s also important for pilots and crew to be able to adjust their sleep patterns between day and night flights. This involves a little more mental effort — I’d like to note that my wife has also been enormously supportive in helping me manage these processes successfully.

    Last but not least: I wonder how pilot salaries are determined?

    Pilot salaries are determined every year by the Collective Bargaining Agreement and all pilot salaries are published there. Apart from that, there is a fixed salary up to a certain number of hours, and additional compensation above a certain number of hours.

    *The date of this blog post may have been updated due to additional content. Please be aware that information on fees and transportation is subject to change. The content of this post reflects the author's opinion and views.

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